Xerte Academy is a new initiative to provide courses, always up-to-date tutorials, examples, templates, learning designs, downloads and other high quality guidance and support. Some resources will be free and publicly available and others will be part of a low cost subscription service to facilitate sustainability of this site and the resources made available.
Over the years I’ve worked with a number of experienced and trusted colleagues and so as the membership of Xerte Academy increases and as members request new and more relevant tutorials and support so will the team involved in developing and delivering the courses and resources here.
We often hear that some organisations choose not to adopt Xerte because of a perceived lack of commercial support. Actually that support and bespoke development has always been available so if you need training, help with developing resources, help with establishing or customising your installation, bespoke development or integration contact us to discuss your requirements.
In the meantime use the form on the home page, or available from the contact menu, to subscribe to our low traffic newsletter for announcements about available courses and resources as well as introductory offers.
Best regards
Ron Mitchell